Millie Bobby Brown Named a Pimple After Sadie Sink

Stranger Things stars Millie Bobby Brown and Sadie Sink truly are truly the epitome of #friendship goals. They hit red carpets together, refer to each other as "ketchup and mustard," and apparently, even one of them names their pimples after the other.

Millie posted a singing selfie video to Instagram on Wednesday night and captioned it, "Excuse the pimple I named this one after the very talented Sadie Sink." Not only did she call Sadie "very talented," but she also now gets to keep her BFF (kind of, sort of?) with her at all times. These two!

The Instagram moment might be fun, but it's also continuing Millie's important support for skincare. She has never been one to shy away from talking about her skin struggles on Instagram. Earlier this year started the hashtag #embraceyourface as a way to inspire others to feel more comfortable in their skin, too. "I'm human, I am a teenager," she said on her stories in May. "I make mistakes, I get pimples, I get irritated by small things. I get hurt, I have emotions, I have feelings.... I do get the occasional pimple, and that's okay to be like that,"

She continued, "If you are happy in your own skin and if you truly love yourself, then you will love other people and you will be kind to other people and that's what's important and that's what's going to get rid of hate."

Not only is Millie Bobby Brown embracing her acne, she's naming it after someone she loves, which we'd definitely have to say is "pimple positivity" at its finest.

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