Millennials Are Sharing The Opinions That Might Get Them Flak From Younger Generations, But I Do Think People Across All Generations Need To Hear Them

We all have opinions about, well, everything. And sometimes, if we feel very strongly about them, you tend to think your opinion is the correct one — even if it means that you know people will judge you harshly for it.

  Paramount Network
Paramount Network

And that's what Reddit user AceTygraQueen wanted to know when they asked millennials: "Any opinions that might get you flack from the younger generation?"


Well, lots of millennials chimed in with opinions they have that are likely to get them flak from Gen Z, including the OP, who starts off the thread:

1."In my opinion, you can't just expect the world to stop turning to cater to your feelings!"


2."Not everything that feels bad or hurts you emotionally is 'trauma.'"


3."For the love of Pete, stop self-diagnosing yourself with Dr. TikTok."


  Nurphoto / NurPhoto via Getty Images
Nurphoto / NurPhoto via Getty Images

4."The biggest distinction that I noticed from myself and Gen Z — even being right on the cusp — is that I noticed Gen Z loves labeling each other and understanding things in a very 'black and white' way. For me it's always been 'embrace being yourself, labels can't define yourself.'"


5."You have to play the game you’re in."


6."A person you strictly know on social media is not a real friend. Friends don't count as friends unless you can talk to them face to face, or at least call them if Facebook goes down again. You can make real friends."


  Anadolu Agency / Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
Anadolu Agency / Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

7."You can't always walk away from drama or toxic people. Sometimes you need to wrap your hands and get a 'fighting.' A good fight includes effective communication."


8."Lowering the bar only hurts you. When you face adversity you need to conquer it."


9."The big one for me is that there is a difference between a job taking advantage of you and the fact that pretty much no job is going to be sunshine and rainbows all the time. I see so many posts of people mad that their job expects them to do work. Constantly having a 'f*** this job' attitude just because you think it's beneath you isn't good."


  Luis Alvarez / Getty Images
Luis Alvarez / Getty Images

10."They aren’t automatically more progressive because they are younger. I’ve seen lots of homophobia and sexism especially from younger generations who think they automatically know better."


11."Young folks always tell me 'work smart, not hard.' This is a great thing to live by. But there are always going to be times where you just need to work hard."


12."The probability you'll end up regretting that tattoo is extremely high."


  Zinkevych / Getty Images/iStockphoto
Zinkevych / Getty Images/iStockphoto

13."Just because your grandiose dreams don't come to fruition doesn't mean you're a failure."


14."Here's one they'll really hate: youth passes in a blink of an eye. So, don't hold onto it like it's a character trait or a lasting advantage."


15."Feelings don’t make opinions valid."


  Sergio Mendoza Hochmann / Getty Images
Sergio Mendoza Hochmann / Getty Images

16."Not everything needs to be online. And I’m online A LOT. If you’re feeling stressed out or upset at what you see online, go offline for a few hours. You’d be surprised what it does."


17.And lastly: "Who cares what other generations think."


  Aaronamat / Getty Images/iStockphoto
Aaronamat / Getty Images/iStockphoto

You can read the full thread of responses on Reddit.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.