Miley Cyrus trolled Blake Shelton and his “sexy” status on Insta

Miley Cyrus trolled Blake Shelton and his “sexy” status on Insta
Miley Cyrus trolled Blake Shelton and his “sexy” status on Insta

The cast of The Voice is incredibly close. That’s why it makes sense that singer and occasional judge Miley Cyrus trolled Blake Shelton on Instagram in regards to his most recent title — People’s Sexiest Man Alive.

Feelings were a little mixed after Shelton was given the honor, and even Shelton himself exclaimed that the magazine “must be running out of people.” But even with a little bit of backlash, Shelton seems to have a sense of humor about the whole thing — and perhaps that humor is one of the reasons why he was awarded the title in the first place. “I’ve been ugly my whole life, if I can be sexy for a year, I’m taking it,” he said to People.

Even though he’s been tagging his recent Instagram posts with #donthatemebecauseimbeautiful, a few of his close friends — who get a chance to witness all sides of Shelton — are using the opportunity to poke a little bit of fun at him. For example, Cyrus. She joined Shelton and judge Adam Levine for the show’s 11th season, and is back for season 13, which is currently airing.

Cyrus decided to post a video of Shelton drinking a cup of coffee, using a somewhat seductive pose. Sure, he makes the coffee look good, but Cyrus was quick to pull a fast one on him.

@blakeshelton just bein real sexy.....

A post shared by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on Nov 20, 2017 at 8:28pm PST

“Nobody knows more about being sexy…than me,” she said, putting herself in the frame.

We’re guessing she may have asked Shelton to take a video (as one may do, when sitting next to the Sexiest Man Alive) and decided to add a humorous spin at the end, as Shelton genuinely seemed surprised.

While we’re guessing Cyrus didn’t have a say in who was chosen, we have a feeling that we know who her vote would have gone to.

There’s always next year.