Mika Brzezinski Reflects on Donald Trump’s “Bleeding from a Facelift” Comments

Mika Brzezinski Reflects on Donald Trump’s “Bleeding from a Facelift” Comments

[MUSIC] This is the, so this is the shirt I wore on a vacation that we took, but we went on the air the day after that Trump tweeted about my bleeding from the face Face lift. That day. So I'm sorry about that. You know what was crazy, you went to the party. You went to the White House while just bleeding from your face. I know. Blood was everywhere. Just the confidence is important just like when it's [SOUND]. You know what? You just gotta own it. How did you remove the blood stain? She shredded it down. Yeah, this is the dress that I wore on my first book that came out. I wore this dress, and I no longer fit in it. So I just have it in this. Because I do, it's yeah. This was you, too. One day I might, but probably not. Nothing says Saturday like [UNKNOWN] in this dress. [LAUGH] Always, so that's all right, cuz you know what? We'll always have Saturday. Look at, my gosh, did I actually fit into this? You were not, you were- This was the That's great. No, no. The years that I was a little hungry. Isn't it nice eating your dinner. Yep. Dinner's great. I'm all for dinner, lunch, breakfast. Yes. You know what a snack And a snack. And not being hungry. I'm done. Highly recommend. Help brain, help life. [SOUND] [BLANK_AUDIO]

This week on Dirty Laundry, Morning Joe hosts (and real-life couple) Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski take a break from their day jobs to talk about fashion with InStyle’s Laura Brown.

First up, Brzezinski brings in the shirt she was wearing when that now infamous comment by President Donald Trump about her supposed facelift went viral. “This is the shirt I wore on a vacation that we took but we went on the air the day after Trump tweeted about my ‘bleeding from a facelift,’” she tells Brown.

“You went to the White House while bleeding from the face. Just the confidence,” Brown joked.

“Blood was everywhere. You know what? You’ve just got to own it,” Brzezinski added, making light of the incredibly demeaning and sexist comments made by the president earlier this year. Watch the trio discuss the experience above, and watch the full episode on People TV.

While the Morning Joe hosts were away on vacation at the time, they appeared on TV for a 30-minute segment to respond to the controversy. “This is a sign of a much bigger problem for our country than anything about me,” Brzezinski told InStyle in an interview that day.

RELATED: Mika Brzezinski: Trump's Comments Are a " Sign of a Much Bigger Problem"

Also this week on Dirty Laundry, Scarborough gives his take on “wardrobe staples,” including a L.L. Bean sweater that he wore exclusively for a week on air while rebelling against putting on a suit so early in the morning.