There Might Be A “Hannah Montana” Prequel And We're So Ready For It


From Delish

  • Billy Ray Cyrus told Hollywood Life that there may be a Hannah Montana Prequel.

  • The prequel would focus on his character Robbie Stewart and Miley's life before she became Hannah Montana.

Say what? Hannah Montana fans better get their glittery cowboy hats ready because a prequel to the TV show could happen. In an interview with Hollywood Life, Billy Ray Cyrus said, "I would do that in a heartbeat."

In the interview, Billy Ray said that he would like the prequel to focus on Miley Stewart's life before she became an international pop star. “I think there’s a whole story that led up to Miley becoming Hannah Montana,” he said. And he's pretty excited to get his mullet back. Maybe he and Billie Eilish could share some tips on the perfect "business in the front, party in the back" style.

But the prequel is going to be about his character Robby Stewart. If you remember, Robby was a musician himself who performed under the stage name Robbie Ray. He left his career (not that mullet, though) to take care of his kids Miley and Jackson after their mother died. Later on, he became Hannah Montana's manager and producer, but never really got back into his own music career.

Billy Ray doesn't say anything else about the prequel though, so we don't know what kind of format it's going to take. It could be a whole TV show, it could be a movie. Maybe it will stream on Disney+? I'm all about a third Hannah Montana movie.

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