Midwesterners Are LOSING It After Finding Out That The Iowa State Fair Butter Cows Aren't Made From 100% Butter

For anyone who closely follows politics and over-the-top Midwestern food, the 2023 Iowa State Fair just wrapped up with over 1.1 million people in attendance.

a ferris wheel at the Iowa State Fair
Brandon Bell / Getty Images

The event is huge not only for every Midwesterner that has the opportunity to eat their way through the many foods on a stick, but also for presidential candidates looking to secure their nomination ahead of the Iowa caucus.

ron desantis flipping pork chops at the iowa state fair

I guess nothing gets voters' attention like flipping pork chops.

The Washington Post / The Washington Post via Getty Images

Despite the usual political buzz during this time, there's now one thing people cannot stop talking about: the famed butter cow. Or should I say, the wire mesh cow covered in butter.

the 2023 state fair butter cow on display

That's right, the beloved butter cow sculpture isn't just a big hunk of butter like we were all made to believe. It all started when this image was tweeted of butter being scraped from the fair's butter cow, revealing a mesh structure underneath. After a little digging, we found that this tragic incident was actually captured at the 2023 Illinois State Fair.

RIP the 2023 butter cow 🧈🐄 pic.twitter.com/gCt7lFL0Xy

— 217Problems (@217Problems) August 21, 2023

@217Problems / Via Twitter: @217Problems

Naturally, the internet ran with it and assumed it was the Iowa State Fair's cow. But that doesn't change the fact that it easily could've been, as the practice is standard at both fairs. The worst part? This info has been right under everyone's nose the whole time via the state fair sites.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I feel weirdly betrayed that the Iowa State Fair butter cow turns out to be a mesh sculpture covered in slabs of butter instead of a cow entirely made of butter. https://t.co/OVtHkp8vmQ

— Charlotte Clymer 🇺🇦 (@cmclymer) August 22, 2023

@cmclymer / Via Twitter: @cmclymer

A detailed description on the Iowa State Fair site reveals that their butter cow also starts with "a wood, metal, wire, and steel mesh frame" that's then covered with a layer of butter. Let's just say the behind-the-scenes reveal has left the internet in an absolute state of shock.

just found out the butter cow isnt made out of butter it's but a butter coat over a regular statue and i am going to need 72 full hours to recover this is so fucked up, my whole life is a lie

— Formula Whatever (@formulawhatever) August 22, 2023

@formulawhatever / Via Twitter: @formulawhatever

No matter the state, Midwesterners are SERIOUSLY hurting out here.

do not text about the butter cow i am in mourning

— Claire Lower (@clairelizzie) August 22, 2023

@clairelizzie / Via Twitter: @clairelizzie

discovering the cow isn’t solid butter feels like losing my religion https://t.co/yb9MjaV2xD

— sippin on that (@vivafalastin) August 22, 2023

@vivafalastin / Via Twitter: @vivafalastin

And some are, well, a little angry to say the least.

The butter cow is a wireframe with only a thin layer of butter on top? It's not a solid block of butter?I am going to burn the Iowa state fair to the ground. https://t.co/b8f4yN6lt8

— David Mayo 🦜 (@dcmayo) August 22, 2023

@dcmayo / Via Twitter: @dcmayo

The political state of the nation has been put aside to now focus on this tragedy.

the biggest scandal in politics today should be that the butter cow isn’t pure butter https://t.co/opXCJ2z6Yh

— andy (@andyvolosky) August 22, 2023

@andyvolosky / Via Twitter: @andyvolosky

Conspiracies have even started to emerge.

The Iowa butter cow isn’t even structurally butter, it’s only superficially butter clad. What else aren’t they telling you. How deep do the lies go. Are the deep fried Oreos actually baked? https://t.co/CI3SGwivqL

— Ariaga III (@hubriskets) August 23, 2023

@hubriskets / Via Twitter: @hubriskets

And if you're wondering, "Where the heck does all that butter go?!" I have an even more shocking fact for you: It's recycled and can be reused for up to 10 years! Truly wild stuff.

People in scooters in front of the butter cow
Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images

My heart goes out to all Midwesterners during this difficult time.