The Microwave Hack For Dried Herbs In A Pinch

assortment of dried herbs
assortment of dried herbs - LN team/Shutterstock

Food is just food until seasonings and herbs enter the picture -- then it's a masterpiece. Herbs, in particular, have the power to transform a dull dish into a bright, aromatic tour de force that inspires all five senses. And as much as we love the tactile and visual appeal of fresh herbs, there are plenty of reasons to use dried herbs instead of fresh. Compared to their fresh counterparts, dried herbs can add even more pizzazz to your favorite recipes because they have a more concentrated flavor and scent. Plus, they have a longer shelf life, so you don't have to rush to put them to use.

But what happens when you need dried herbs and only have fresh ones on hand? We have just the solution: the microwave. Yup, it's really that simple. Pick your favorite fresh herbs, assemble them on a microwave-safe plate, and zap them to crispy, dried perfection faster than you can say basil.

Although it's an elementary hack, there is a tip to remember. To get the dried herbs of your dreams, you'll want to microwave them at 15 to 20-second intervals to avoid burning out their flavor and aromatic appeal. If you've ever microwaved a meal only to find that large portions of your food are left cold while others are piping hot, you've been a victim to uneven heating -- a common microwave dilemma. However, microwaving fresh herbs in intervals ensures they're evenly exposed to heat.

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Microwave-Dried Herbs Vs. Store-Bought

person closing microwave and setting timer
person closing microwave and setting timer - NavinTar/Shutterstock

While transforming your fresh herbs into the dried variety is an easy, accessible, and beginner-friendly task, you may be wondering what the difference is between homemade dried herbs and store-bought dried herbs.

When you prepare a microwaved, DIY batch of dried herbs, you have more agency in the freshness and variety of the herb blend. Whether you purchase them at a local farmer's market or pluck them from your own garden, you can dry out your herbs at peak freshness for maximum flavor -- something you have no control over with store-bought varieties. Plus, making your own unique blend of dried herbs can result in a funky, fresh combination you can't find at the store.

Although many brands offer dried herb blends with no additives, it's not impossible to wind up with a store-bought batch that includes non-caking agents or genetically modified or non-organic ingredients, explains Hello Lovely Living. So, if you like your dried herbs unprocessed and as natural as possible, making them at home is a great way to meet your expectations.

Storing Microwave-Dried Herbs

dried herbs in glass jar with spoon
dried herbs in glass jar with spoon - Olenaduygu/Shutterstock

The good news for dried herb enthusiasts is that they don't spoil. But while they don't turn into a dangerous medley of stinky, sour greens, they will eventually lose their flavor and potency. But with proper storage, you can maximize their longevity.

First things first, air-tight containers like mason jars or Tupperware are your best friends when it comes to storing microwave-dried herbs. These handy vessels will preserve the flavor and aroma of the herbs while simultaneously preventing contaminants and moisture from damaging their quality.

You can store your dried herbs in a cool, dark place like a pantry or cupboard where they'll maintain their right-out-the-microwave freshness for up to three months before they begin to lose their potency. If you don't anticipate using the full batch within three months, consider only drying out as much as you need or storing them in the refrigerator, where they will last for up to a year. If you don't like cold, dried herbs in your dishes, let them rest at room temperature before adding them to your recipes. Happy herb eating!

Read the original article on Daily Meal.