Michigan Woman Shocked to Find Frog in Package of Store-Bought Spinach

We're often told to wash our produce to remove any pesticides or harmful bacteria. One thing we aren't usually warned about is amphibians and other critters.

One Michigan woman had to confront that reality after a grocery store trip. Amber Worrick, who lives in suburban Detroit, went to a Meijer store earlier this week to pick up some produce, including a package of Earthbound Farm organic spinach. When she got home, her daughter found a live frog in the container and screamed. Worrick ran over and was shocked by what she saw.

“It was alive and moving,” Worrick told FOX 2 Detroit of the incident. “Just thank God I didn’t eat the frog.”

Needless to say, she wouldn't have picked up the package at the store in the first place if she knew it came with a slimy bonus inside. "I didn't see anything," she said. "It didn't feel heavy or anything. I didn't feel anything wiggling."

The animal is believed to be a Pacific tree frog native to California. Taylor Farms, the California-based parent company that owns Earthbound Farm, apologized for what happened in a statement.

"Our organic farming practices help promote biodiversity and healthy ecosystems on or around our farms. We will continue to work tirelessly to provide the freshest, finest quality veggies for consumers.”

Worrick immediately returned to the store and returned the package with the frog inside. She received a full refund, and workers released the frog to a new home outdoors. But that might not have been the best move. Jennifer Holton, a spokesperson with the Michigan Department of Agricultural and Rural Development, told the Detroit Free Press that the store shouldn’t have released the frog because it species has yet to be confirmed and could be non-native to the area.

It just goes to show; when buying produce, don't assume that just because something says it's been washed several times doesn't mean it'll be totally clean.