Michigan News Broadcast Adorably Interrupted by the Tiniest Falcon

Watching the news can get boring, stressful, or even sad sometimes, but many news outlets like to keep things light, too. We can tell how much the news anchors appreciated this interruption from a small bird, and if we're being honest, it seems like viewers are enjoying it too.

Even though it seemed rather windy, the bird landed on the FOX 17 tower cam in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It stayed for a while to check out the view, all while viewers got a different view!

How cute! This little bird found the perfect spot to perch and watch the morning go by. Little did the animal know that the news cam found the perfect view, too!

Although many people speculated that this was a baby bird, and most likely a peregrine falcon, a plethora of commenters were quick to correct them. This is a kestrel! Kestrels are the smallest falcon species, so technically--nobody is wrong. This little one has the most beautiful markings on its fluffy feathers, too!

"It's a Kestrel and most likely an adult," agreed one commenter named Mark. "They're pretty small. Had them in my backyard at my old house. They're tiny compared to a peregrine falcon." You're so right! A kestrel's average body length is 12 inches at best, and their wingspan can reach a maximum of 24 inches.

These birds can be found all across North America, so you may have seen one too. This species often migrates south--even into Mexico--for the winter, and then back north for the warmer breeding months. In places like Michigan, they can be found year-round!

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