Michael Kors on the 5 Beauty Rules Every Bombshell Knows By Heart

Michael Kors on the 5 Beauty Rules Every Bombshell Knows By Heart

Today, just hours before debuting his Spring 2019 collection, Michael Kors will no doubt be cutting a golden profile backstage against his signature all-black ensemble. The perennial sun-kissed effect is as endemic to the designer himself as it is to his muse, a jet-setting bombshell who might be found coasting down the Pacific Coast Highway behind the wheel of a sports car, reclining starboard in the South of France, curled up fireside après-ski, or simply shopping for a few of Kors’s glamorous yet sporty separates.

With every covetable collection he designs, the right beauty look is as pivotal as the clothes and accessories. “It’s a 360,” Kors has said of the philosophy behind his fashion empire, which includes an expansive self-titled fragrance line. “The right hair, the right makeup, [the fragrance,] everything tells the story. You need it all to work in conjunction.” Here, a look at Kors’s five beauty rules for his muse (be she Carmen Kass or Karmen Pedaru, from the importance of bronzer and smudgy eyeliner to why a touch of gold is the quickest skin fix of all.

Think of your beauty bag as a Holy Trinity.
“My girl always wants to look refreshed, so she’s always going to have some bronzer with her to keep her looking healthy, she’s always going to have a fabulous neutral lipstick in her bag, and she has to have her fragrance with her—it’s her signature, it changes her mood. Those are the three essentials in her bag whether she’s going to the gym, whether she’s going to the office, whether she’s going out at night.”

Don’t be too precious about your eye makeup.
“I think there’s actually something about letting your eye makeup smudge. I love the idea of leftover eyeliner and leftover mascara. So, you know what? [Apply] in the beginning of the day and let it go.”

Wear fragrance—everywhere.
“My girl is not shy in her usage of fragrance. She’s not one of these ‘let me dab and run’ [kind of women]. She’s going to play with it [depending on] where she is going. She’s smart enough to know that it’s kind of like an accessory. Do you ramp it up or do you [wind] it down? If you’re going to the gym, maybe you just do the back of your knees, but if you’re going on a date or going to a club, maybe you’re going to hit all of your pulse points.”

Be a minimalist and a maximalist.
“There’s always this yin and yang. If you’re wearing an outlandish eye, then the rest of the face is bare, or if you’re going for it with color on the mouth, then there’s nothing on the eye. I think there’s always this tug-of-war that makes anything I do seem very Michael Kors. You can wear the most extravagant beaded trousers with a sweatshirt.”

Go for a flash of gold.
“Gold is a reoccurring theme in everything [I do]. I’m a big believer in transformation. I believe that with the right beauty products and the right fashion choices, you suddenly feel different. You look in the mirror and have a different spring in your step. Gold is a transformer. If you put a little gold on your face, it suddenly lights up. What does a gold earring do next to your face? Incredible. I don’t think it’s only for evening. I don’t think it’s only for red carpet. Even if you’re wearing just a gold sneaker. I love what it does. It’s optimistic, it’s fun, and it’s glamorous. Everyone looks good in [gold].”

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