New Mexico Ski Resorts Buried By 2+ Feet Of Snow

The snow gods delivered.

Angel Fire Resort, New Mexico, has picked up 26 inches of snow in the past 48 hours.

The Resort recently shared an Instagram video depicting its hardworking ops team shoveling the fresh snow.

The timing couldn't have been better, as Angel Fire opened for skiing and riding today, December 15th (the Resort had a passholder-only opening yesterday).

The storm's arrival presents a turn of fortunes for the New Mexico ski area. Last month, NOAA reported that "much of the West" was experiencing below-average snow cover. But Angel Fire is back on track. Six of its seven lifts are open, with eight trails to choose from. The Resort's webcams show solid early-season coverage.

In its Instagram story yesterday, Angel Fire said it plans to open more terrain this weekend.

With the storm spent, NOAA calls for warm and sunny conditions at Angel Fire in the coming week, with the possibility of additional precipitation starting on Thursday.

Elsewhere in New Mexico, other ski resorts benefitted from heavy snowfall. Ski Santa Fe saw 18 inches, and Taos Ski Valley received half a foot.

Related: Skier Causes In-Bounds Avalanche At Canadian Resort

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