New Mexico Ski Resort Blanketed By Fresh Snowfall

Today, September 18th, Taos Ski Valley shared images of an early-season storm that deposited a dusting of snow at high altitudes last week.

See the images below.

As with all September storms, it's best to think of Taos' recent wintry blast as a teaser, a sign that winter, despite all the heat this summer, is on the way.

Here are some of the photos Taos shared.

<p>Courtesy: Jonah Sutton</p>

Courtesy: Jonah Sutton

<p>Courtesy: Jonah Sutton</p>

Courtesy: Jonah Sutton

<p>Courtesy: Jonah Sutton</p>

Courtesy: Jonah Sutton

Does the early snow bode well for Taos' ski season?

Honestly, it's hard to say. Brief bursts of cold weather like this don't tend to have a massive bearing on seasonal trends as a whole. For a more accurate picture of what this winter could look like, I'd advise you to check out what NOAA predicts.

Emphasis on the "could," though. NOAA's good at what it does. But long-range forecasting is notoriously tricky, even for the best in the biz.

To get an insider scoop on the recent Taos snowstorm, check out this article by Powder contributor Cam Burns, who was on the scene for some live coverage.

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