New Mexico Ski Area Fires Up Snow Guns: "Winter Ops Have Officially Begun"

Do you feel that? The coolness in the air? The crackle of dead leaves underfoot? It's almost winter, folks. Temperatures are dropping, and skiing is again at the forefront of our minds.

And it's not just feeling: Taos Ski Valley, New Mexico, took to Facebook today, October 13th, announcing that "winter ops have officially begun."

While Taos didn't expand further on the beginning of winter ops, it appears that the resort is referring to officially firing up its snow guns, a welcome harbinger of the coming season.

Don't break those skis out just yet, though.

Taos plans to open on November 23rd, so the waiting game persists.

And, as with other resorts throughout the Rocky Mountains that have benefitted from the recent cold snap, warmer weather appears to be on the way: NOAA calls for highs in the low 60s this weekend at Taos.

That said, it's October. Temperature flip-flops are to be expected. Heck, even as an avid skier, I wouldn't mind a few more warm days where I live before winter properly kicks into gear, as long it stays cold and wet come November.

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