This 'messed up' Ouija board story will send shivers down your spine

Recently, Reddit user Lopsided-Koala shared their strange and “positive” Ouija board experience to the r/Paranormal subreddit. Lopsided-Koala’s Ouija board experience happened in the late ’80s, when they were in college. One day when they were messing around with a Ouija board, Lopsided-Koala decided to ask the spirit world if their grandmother was alive. “My father was raised by an aunt; never really knew his mother, and didn’t have any idea who his father was,” they explained. Well, according to the Ouija board, Lopsided-Koala’s grandma was alive. It even revealed that she lived in Lopsided-Koala’s home state and hometown. Lopsided-Koala’s asked what street their grandma lived on, the board spelled that out. (In the post, Lopsided-Koala simply refers to it as “Washington Street”). Lopsided-Koala naturally looked up whether there was a Washington Street in their hometown. (There was, but. “grandma didn’t live there.”). A few years later, Lopsided- Koala’s dad found his mom. “She lived in my home state, in the town of Washington ... It wasn’t the street name, it was the town. name. How messed up is that? More than thirty years later, I still have no explanation”. Though many people were supportive in the comments, they also warned about the dangers of messing with a Ouija board. “That is great, to hear something positive from ouija board. I won’t touch one since something infested my house and made our lives hell,” one person said