Merry Little Batman Is Home Alone In Wayne Manor

Merry Little Batman

Amazon Prime’s Merry Little Batman arrives December 8, with Batman’s son left home alone for the holidays and battling against The Joker, Bane, and other villains.

The animated movie stars Luke Wilson as a schlubby Batman, David Hornsby as a Grinchy Joker, James Cromwell as a forever put-upon Alfred and Yonas Kibreab as the enthusiastic Damian Wayne.

“This Christmas, Damian Wayne wants to be a superhero like his dad - the one and only Batman. When Damian is left home alone while Batman takes on Gotham's worst supervillains on Christmas Eve, he stumbles upon a villainous plot to steal Christmas and leaps at the chance to save the day,” reads the description from Amazon.

Merry Little Batman is directed by Mike Roth (Regular Show) and written by the Teen Titan’s Go!’s Morgan Evans and Jase Ricci, or Batman: The Doom That Came To Gotham.

If you're looking for more Batman to keep you compant over the festive period, he crops up in our best superhero games list, and you can find a whole bunch of Gotham City residents in Gotham Knights on Game Pass.