Will Meredith Return to ‘Grey’s Anatomy’? This Mind-Blowing New Theory Just Rocked My World

Now that Grey’s Anatomy is returning to ABC after a far-too-long hiatus, I can’t help but wonder what’s in store for Meredith (Ellen Pompeo). Although the season 17 mid-season finale left off on a major cliffhanger, I don’t think this is the end for Meredith.

If you asked me two months ago, I probably had a different opinion. But after coming across this mind-blowing Reddit theory, I’m not convinced that series creator Shonda Rhimes is finished with Meredith’s storyline.

According to the theory, Grey’s Anatomy has been giving away clues about how the series will end for several seasons. The user claims the story will conclude with a full-circle moment for Meredith. Later in life, she supposedly falls victim to Alzheimer’s disease and ends up in an assisted living facility, just like her mom: Ellis Grey (Kate Burton).

The voiceovers featured at the beginning and end of each episode are snippets from Meredith’s journal entries, which she reads to herself on a daily basis as a reminder of what it was like to be a surgeon. *Drops scalpel*

If true, it would be impossible for Meredith to succumb to the coronavirus (as teased in season 17), since there’s still so much plot to explore—and she clearly needs to survive in order to carry out this Reddit prophesy. Although I get choked up at the thought of Grey’s Anatomy ending with Meredith taking after her mom (who also wrote journals), I can’t deny that it would be a fantastic conclusion to her story.

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