Men, What Are The Worst Things You've Heard Guys Say Behind Women's Backs

The other morning I was standing in line at the coffee shop, mindlessly scrolling through social media while patiently waiting to place my cappuccino and croissant order. Standing in front of me are two business bros bantering about all of the girls they’re hooking up with, swapping photos with one another to see who's won the hottest babe. Naturally, I had to listen. / Via Giphy

Bro #1 was bragging about how “easy” his date was from the other night, claiming that she lacked self-respect since it seemed she was only with him for the sex. She was also too "stuck-up" to be girlfriend material, so he ghosted. Rather than standing up for women and calling out his friend's misogynistic mindset, Bro #2 throws in that the “b*tch” he banged from Hinge last week was “fat with a flat ass.”

Warner Bros / Via Giphy

Me too, Hermione.

The coffee shop that morning was filled with female customers and baristas, earshot of what they were saying. They were not speaking softly, it was obvious they wanted to be heard to try and get under someone's skin — it worked, at least for me.

IFC / Via Giphy

I was this close to losing my cool.

How is belittling women and making harmful jokes about our physical appearance still socially acceptable? Where are the cis-men who stand up for us and call out their friends' toxic locker room talk?

Protesters walk during the Women's March on Washington, with the U.S. Capitol in the background, on January 21, 2017 in Washington, DC.
Mario Tama / Via Getty Images

So now it’s your turn: Men, what are some of the worst things you’ve heard other guys say behind a woman's back? It could be a guy friend, colleague, family member, or complete stranger. Leave a comment below for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!