Men’s Journal Everyday Warrior Podcast Episode 74: Dr. Luana Marques

The Men’s Journal’s Everyday Warrior Podcast With Mike Sarraille is a podcast that inspires individuals to live more fulfilling lives by having conversations with disrupters and high performers from all walks of life. In episode 74, Sarraille spoke with Dr. Luana Marques, a renowned expert in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which focuses on understanding how our thoughts affect our emotions and behaviors.

CBT encourages people to pause and evaluate their thoughts, challenging negative or self-defeating ideas. By changing your inner dialogue, you can reduce anxiety and avoid becoming paralyzed by stress. In the episode, Marques emphasizes the importance of mental strength, which involves training our brains to function differently in moments of stress and anxiety.

Listen to the full podcast above and see a timestamped overview of the interview below.


[00:02:04] CBT helps understand how thoughts affect actions.

[00:04:54] Lack of support, fast-paced life, contributing factors to anxiety.

[00:06:34] Parents minimizing conflict has negative impact.

[00:12:24] CBT, problem solving, education system, and being mentally prepared.

[00:14:24] CBT training to increase mental strength. Go viral.

[00:18:06] Adderall helps but has negative consequences; CBT needed.

[00:21:33] Small town girl conquers fear of strangers.

[00:24:28] Appreciation for Mike's continual bold actions.