Meghan's Last Words As A Royal: 'It Didn't Have to Be This Way'

From Women's Health

Well, this is incredibly sad. According to newly published Sussex biography Finding Freedom, by royal authors Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand, Meghan Markle's farewell to her Buckingham Palace staff was a deeply sorrowful one, with the Duchess of Sussex commenting on what could have been had things gone differently.

As earlier reported by Scobie, Meghan's final royal engagement was a private meeting with Association of Commonwealth Universities scholars, during which she spoke to students about their work on subjects including health, climate change, renewable energy, and sustainable travel. The Duchess used her last engagement to say goodbye to her staff, after the Commonwealth scholars departed. She hugged Scobie, he writes in Finding Freedom, and said, "It didn’t have to be this way."

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Earlier this week The Duchess of Sussex, in her role as Patron of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), met with the bright minds from across the Commonwealth to hear about their commitment to tackling the global challenges we all face. The Duchess spoke with Scholars studying and researching important areas surrounding; cleaning up plastic pollution in our oceans, helping to build more sustainable cities, improving health outcomes for citizens, and supporting decent work and economic growth. Paving the way as the next generation of leaders, these inspirational scholars, are spread far across the Commonwealth from Malawi to Malaysia, Ghana to Sri Lanka – all of whom will use the skills and knowledge they gain while studying in the UK to make a difference when they return to their home countries. The Duchess, who also attended university with support of a scholarship, is a strong advocate of accessible education for all. As the Royal Patron of The Association of Commonwealth Universities (@The_ACU_Official) since January 2019, The Duchess has met and engaged with students, academics, and staff from ACU member universities across the Commonwealth to learn more about the vital work they do to address global challenges. As President and Vice President of The @Queens_Commonwealth_Trust, The Duke and Duchess thank all those who are working to give access to education for all.

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Mar 11, 2020 at 3:33pm PDT

In March, Scobie revealed that Meghan cried as she bid farewell to her Buckingham Palace team, writing for Harper's Bazaar that "tears that the duchess had been bravely holding back [were] free to flow among familiar faces."

"The Duchess of Sussex emotionally [bid] much-loved aides farewell, with her flight 'home' to Canada leaving in a matter of hours," Scobie recounted, adding that Meghan would fly "back to Canada on the last commercial flight of the day, eager to be back in Vancouver Island by the morning before Archie wakes up."

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