Meghan McCain Is Slamming Gwyneth Paltrow for Only Living With Her Husband 4 Days a Week

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Good Housekeeping

  • Meghan McCain says Gwyneth Paltrow's living situation with Brad Falchuk is "rich people stuff."

  • Gwyneth recently said she only lives with Brad four days a week.

So, the other day Gwyneth Paltrow told the Sunday Times that she and her husband Brad Falchuk only live together four days a week. To quote: "All my married friends say that the way we live sounds ideal and we shouldn’t change a thing. I don’t care about the haters. Haters are irrelevant to me.”

Cool, well speaking of haters, apparently Meghan McCain has a strong opinion! Which, like...okay? McCain decided to throw in her two cents on Goop's living situation during an appearance on The View, saying it's “rich people stuff.”

"What if you can’t afford two houses? Come on, you guys," she said. “Everybody’s different … I don’t try and judge anybody else’s marriage because you don’t know what goes on and what works for people. But the rent alone would be enough to make me angry … so I probably wouldn’t do it."

Great to know! And for the record, Gwyneth's intimacy teacher (what, you don't have one?!) Micaela Boehm told her that this unusual living arrangement increases "polarity" in a long-term relationships. In other words, maybe Gwyneth and Brad are doing things the right way in their marriage and the rest of us who live with our spouses full-time have no idea what we're doing. Just a thought!

Anyway, obviously dying to know what you think of this whole thing, so please pop off in the poll:

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