What Meghan Markle's Secret Meeting Could Mean

Photo credit: Max Mumby/Indigo - Getty Images
Photo credit: Max Mumby/Indigo - Getty Images


No rest for the royals. Meghan Markle spent her Friday morning at a secret meeting with one of her patronages, Smart Works, royal reporter Omid Scobie confirmed in a tweet last night. The Duchess of Sussex had a meeting with the charity’s CEO, Kate Stephens, but it was a private meeting, which means that Meghan might be finished with public outings in the weeks leading up to the royal baby's birth.

In January, Kensington Palace announced Meghan’s four patronages, and after the announcement, Meghan made a visit to Smart Works, where she has reportedly been quietly visiting for the past year. Meghan has made clear that Smart Works, and its mission to help unemployed women prepare for the working world, is close to her heart.

On her visit to the charity in January, Meghan said that "it's the part about community that I'm so drawn to here. It's not just donating your clothes and seeing where they land, but really being part of each other's success stories as women, right?" She went on: "It's not just hand me downs," she added. "It's saying 'this is the blazer I wore that helped me win that interview,' and this is the piece that helps that [other] woman get that part of her story."

As any royal fan is aware, Meghan is inching closer to her due date and, per Hello! is not expected to make any more public outings before the birth of the baby. Reportedly, Meghan's goal was to meet with each patronage privately before going on maternity leave.

Prince Harry might have also hinted that Meghan's maternity leave is underway when he visited St. Vincent's Catholic Primary School on Wednesday. Per Hello!, one child asked Harry where Meghan was, and he made the motion of a pregnant stomach and told the student that she was having a baby.

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