Did Meghan Markle Secretly Bring Archie to NYC Months Ago?

Just call Baby Archie a little globetrotter!

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are gearing up for their six-week sabbatical from royal duties, and part of that time away means bringing their son Archie with them to America for a family Thanksgiving in California.

But it looks like that won't be Archie's first time in the United States, as he apparently had already visited New York City, all the way back in September.

Access spoke to tennis star Serena Williams in a recent interview, where she spoke about her relationship with Meghan as well as some of the treatment she's received as a royal. While speaking highly of her close friend, she also mentioned that Meghan flew all the way with newborn Archie to see her play in New York during September's U.S. Open.

"I’m not sure many people can relate on that level," Williams said of the media attention Meghan has received as of late. "I just really think she’s literally the strongest person I know and the nicest, sweetest. She flew all the way with a newborn to see me play in New York and flew all the way back that night, and I probably couldn't have done that. That kind of goes to show you what an amazing person she is. That’s just one of the many things that she does for me. I call her, text her anytime crying, upset. She’s always there and doesn’t matter what she’s going through, she just sets time away, and she’s just so amazing."

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While we already knew Meghan had flown to New York (via commercial flight, no less) to see Serena play, we had no idea that she headed out to see her BFF with Archie in tow.

Meghan had worked diligently to try and keep the trip as much of a low-key event as possible, and her efforts seem to have paid off! She was reportedly only in New York for about 48 hours, but somehow none of us knew about Archie being in tow. Reports at the time indicated that both Prince Harry and Archie had sat the trip out, but it looks like that wasn't the case after all.

First Africa, then America? Archie's truly growing up to be a cultured traveler! But now we have to know: Did Serena's daughter Olympia get to spend any time with Archie? Are they going to be future besties?