Meghan Markle and Salma Hayek Had a Top Secret Phone Call to Discuss the British ‘Vogue’ Cover

When it comes to matters of Meghan Markle’s official business, Salma Hayek is fabulous at keeping secrets.

The 52-year-old actress and philanthropist opened up about her experience as a cover star for the Duchess of Sussex’s “Forces of Change” British Vogue September issue and revealed just how clandestine the project was.

In an interview with CNN, Hayek said that the issue was veiled in so much secrecy that when Editor-in-Chief, Edward Enninful, connected her with Markle over the phone, she wasn’t even allowed to use the duchess’s name.

Hayek explained, “I was in the car and he said, ‘Listen, I’m going to put somebody on the phone. Are you in the car with people?' I said, ‘Yes.’ He told me, ‘You cannot say the name of the person I'm calling.’ Frankly, I thought it was a joke. And we are also very good friends with Naomi Campbell. And I thought, they're pulling my leg or something, you know?”

As it turned out, no one was “pulling her leg” because soon after, Markle “got on the phone and introduced herself.” Hayek said the duchess was “very kind and loving and easy going.” She recalled Markle telling her, “I'm putting my favorite women on the cover. And you’re definitely one of them. You one of the first ones.”

How did Hayek react? “I was, like, completely shocked. I did not see it coming that way. She started talking about how she’s been watching me and why me.” As plans for the issue continued, Hayek learned that ony she and famed photographer Peter Lindbergh knew who had been selected and that Markle was guest-editing. It was such confidential information that she wasn’t even able to tell her husband, daughter, publicist…or the other women involved in the photoshoot. In fact, the other 14 cover stars had no idea that Markle had hand-selected them.

Hayek concluded by saying that she and the Duchess of Sussex were bonded by their shared secret and now have a “special connection.” She teased that they may even get together in person, but pointed out, “maybe it’s not something you’re gonna see.”

Touché, Salma.

RELATED: Meghan Markle Had One Big Request for Her British ‘Vogue’ Cover