Meghan Markle Reportedly Suffered From Panic Attacks Because of All the Negative Attention

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Photo credit: WPA Pool - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

  • Meghan Markle reportedly suffered from panic attacks while living in England.

  • The British tabloids were so harsh to her it often made her fear going outside because of all the negative attention.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have officially moved on with their new life away from all the drama of the royal family and are currently taking some much-needed time to themselves in Canada. Since Meghan and Harry announced they're stepping back from royal duties, all the crap Meghan had to put up with becomes more and more evident.

During Meghan's tenure as a full-time royal, she was forced to deal with unfair, racist, and negative tabloid stories about her nearly every day. (Just take a look at a few of the terrible headlines written about her for no reason.) At one point, she candidly told an reporter that dealing with the press was really "challenging" and that she felt extremely "vulnerable."

A new report from Us Weekly revealed even more heartbreaking details about Meghan's life as a royal. According to the magazine's sources, the attention got so bad that Meghan actually feared going outside because she didn't want to do anything to attract even more negative press. They said she "felt trapped and claustrophobic" and even suffered from panic attacks because of all the stress.

Luckily, though, moving to Canada has been a huge source of relief for her. The source added, "Meghan’s thrilled to have escaped the chaos of London. She feels like a new person.” On top of not being hounded by the British press 24/7, Meghan reportedly likes that she doesn't have to worry about following outdated royal protocol anymore. Us' source went on to say, "Meghan can go out in yoga pants and not be criticized for not following dress code. She feels more relaxed and loves walking around fresh-faced with barely any makeup on."

Well, cheers to this new chapter! It already sounds like living in Canada is going to be so good for their mental health and for all the projects they want to work on outside of the royal family.

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