Meghan Markle to Receive Hostage Training

Photo credit: Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved
Photo credit: Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved


For the next couple months before her May wedding to Prince Harry, Meghan Markle "intends to travel... visiting her family and friends before she settles into her new life at Kensington Palace," Entertainment Tonight reports via a palace source.

But a small part of that time will reportedly be spent getting hostage training from the British Special Air Service - another facet of princess training. TMZ reports that Markle, like Princess Diana and Kate Middleton before her, will undergo about a week of military instruction on how to escape a hostage situation and alert/facilitate a rescue. (Markle’s training likely won’t include combat or weapon instruction.)

Per TMZ, Markle’s training "will teach her techniques on how to transmit a distress signal that she's being held against her will if her captors make her record a video, this according to Scott Jones, director of the London-based security firm Garvian."

It’ll also "include mastering micro-expressions, key words and other signals to let either her family or law enforcement know if she's under duress from captors. We're also told she'll get some basic psychology training on dealing with her captors. She'll also be taught how to get out of restraints like duct tape or zip ties."

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