Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Have Reportedly Been Making Secret Trips to L.A.

Here's the sweet reason why.

Meghan Markle is pretty good at under-the-radar vacations—take, for example, her and Harry's success at keeping their honeymoon location under wraps or even her recent baby shower in New York City, which no one knew was happening until the star-studded festivities were already underway. But apparently that's not all the secret travel the Duchess of Sussex has been doing. According to British tabloid The Sun, Markle and Prince Harry have been making trips back to L.A. for the sweetest reason: to hang out with Markle's mom, Doria Ragland.

Last we heard, Ragland is reportedly planning to move to the U.K., but while she's still in the States, the Sussexes have apparently been her houseguests. According to an unnamed source, who reportedly lives a few doors down from Ragland's bungalow, "Meghan is a mommy’s girl—their special mother-daughter bond hasn’t disappeared just because she’s moved to England. Meghan will always come back to Doria, this will always be her home," she told The Sun. "They are forever in touch, and Meghan has been here to stay on more than one occasion since going public with Harry.” The neighbor said she'd even spotted the prince on one occasion.

<h1 class="title">Preparations for Royal Wedding of Harry and Meghan</h1><cite class="credit">Steve Parsons - Pool / Getty Images</cite>

Preparations for Royal Wedding of Harry and Meghan

Steve Parsons - Pool / Getty Images

Of course, there's no official comment from the palace on rumored trips—they're quite busy at the moment making a rare statement, that Meghan and Harry will not raise their baby gender-neutrally—so take it with a grain of salt. Still, the idea that Markle's been getting some quality time with her mom before she has her own royal baby is a lovely one.