Here's Meghan and Harry's First Christmas Card

Photo credit: Chris Allerton - Instagram
Photo credit: Chris Allerton - Instagram


This morning, both of the young royal couples shared their own Christmas cards. Kate Middleton and Prince William shared a portrait of their family, including baby Prince Louis in his first holiday card appearance. And for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's first Christmas card as a married couple, the two chose a never-before-seen photo from their private evening wedding reception at Frogmore House. The two appear watching fireworks, with Meghan in her Stella McCartney reception gown.

"The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are delighted to share a new photograph from their Wedding Reception at Frogmore House on 19th May," the Palace wrote in its caption of the 'gram. "The photograph, which was taken by photographer Chris Allerton, features on Their Royal Highnesses’ Christmas card this year."

This is the first look that the couple has personally given the world of their evening reception. Wedding portraits before then had been from right after their Windsor Castle wedding ceremony.

Kate and William shared a more recent shot of their family from the fall for their card. "The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are pleased to share a new photograph of their family," the Palace captioned the shot. "The photograph, taken by Matt Porteous, shows The Duke and Duchess with their three children at Anmer Hall. This photograph features on Their Royal Highnesses’ Christmas card this year." Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis are all there:

Meghan and Harry are expected to spend Christmas at Sandringham with the Queen and royal family again this year, as are Kate and William. But Meghan does have one announced event before the holiday next week. The Duchess of Sussex will be visiting the Royal Variety residential care home, Brinsworth House, this upcoming Tuesday, the Palace tweeted this week. It's Meghan's first announced appearance in weeks.

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