Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton Apparently Text Each Other All the Time

Rumors of a royal "feud" between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton have been brewing for months now—and they've been denounced many times. A royals expert, Katie Nicholl, even told Glamour in March that it's all rubbish. "I think this idea of there being a catfight between the two duchesses has made tantalizing headlines, but I don't believe that," she said. "I've never heard from my sources that there has ever been a feud or a falling-out."

But nevertheless the idea that Markle and Middleton dislike each other has persisted. This narrative reached a ridiculous fever pitch in early July when fans speculated that Middleton wore a pair of earrings owned by Princess Diana to Baby Archie's christening in an attempt to "upstage" Markle. It's like we've somehow forgotten these two women are grown adults whose schedules are far too busy for petty feuds.

Hopefully this new report from Hello! magazine helps end the "feud" speculation once and for all. The Daily Mail reports that sources told Hello! that Markle and Middleton have become quite close and frequently text each other about parenting.

<h1 class="title">First Annual Royal Foundation Forum</h1><cite class="credit">Getty Images</cite>

First Annual Royal Foundation Forum

Getty Images

"Kate was a great source of support to Meghan in the days leading up to Archie's birth and, despite reports of a rift, they are family and have a really lovely friendship," the source tells Hello!

They continue, "Their relationship has certainly evolved over time and they have become closer since Meghan's wedding. They talk and text regularly, they have more in common, and Kate has wanted to make sure Meghan has felt welcome into the family."

This positive report comes just a few days after Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton were spotted together with their kids at Prince Harry and Prince William's polo match. Tabloids say this outing—plus the duchess's date at Wimbledon—were deliberate attempts to show a "united front." Regardless of whether or not that's true, Hello!'s report asserts the two duchess's relationship is warm behind the cameras too, which is comforting.

<h1 class="title">The Duke Of Cambridge And The Duke Of Sussex Take Part In The King Power Royal Charity Polo Day</h1><cite class="credit">Samir Hussein/WireImage/Getty Images</cite>

The Duke Of Cambridge And The Duke Of Sussex Take Part In The King Power Royal Charity Polo Day

Samir Hussein/WireImage/Getty Images

It's worth noting that Nicholl told Glamour that while there is no royal feud between Markle and Middleton, they also aren't best friends. "[The duchesses] quite quickly realized they were two pretty mature women—quite different women—and really the only thing they had in common was they'd married princes," she said. "Not just Prince Harry, [but] I think probably the world wanted them to become best friends."

Of course, this interview was in March, so perhaps Kate and Meghan have grown closer since Meghan gave birth to Archie. Either way, we can certainly retire the theory that these two hate each other. I think it's beyond clear that's not the case at all.

Originally Appeared on Glamour