Meghan Markle "Just Wants to Make Sure That Her Boys Are Safe" Amid All of the British Tabloid Drama

From Cosmopolitan

  • Meghan Markle's good friend Daniel Martin says that Meghan "just wants to make sure that her boys are safe" amid Meghan and Prince Harry's battle against the British press.

  • He adds that "she’s going to totally take care of this."

So obviously a lot has been going on with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle lately. The royal couple is suing some British tabloids, and in an ITV documentary released last weekend Meghan opened up about how difficult it's been dealing with, to quote Prince Harry, the "relentless propaganda" and "lie after lie" that's being spread about her by the British press. And it's so bad that Harry and Meghan are even considering moving out of the UK!

To add to all of this, earlier this week Meghan's good friend Daniel Martin weighed in on why she decided to open up about her struggle with the tabloids. He shared with CBS This Morning, “It’s been tough. Watching this documentary, it’s been almost a relief seeing her at a point where she can be honest about what’s been happening. All of us who have known, we just didn’t know what to do or how to help. But I feel like just putting this out there, it’s hopefully demystified a lot about what’s been going on over there."

Photo credit: Chris Jackson - Getty Images
Photo credit: Chris Jackson - Getty Images

And while the letter that Harry wrote explaining why he's taking legal action makes it seem like he's being protective of Meghan (he wrote, "my deepest fear is history repeating itself. I’ve seen what happens when someone I love is commoditized to the point that they are no longer treated or seen as a real person"), Daniel shared that Meghan feels just as protective of Harry. Daniel said, "She has a lot on her plate and I feel like she just wants to make sure that her boys are safe. I know her and she’s going to totally take care of this—it’s just about understanding the ways around it."

Here's hoping that Meghan and Harry do find a away "around" all of this drama!

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