Meghan Markle Just Got a Traditional Henna Tattoo in Morocco

Photo credit: Tim P. Whitby - Getty Images
Photo credit: Tim P. Whitby - Getty Images

From Harper's BAZAAR

  • For their second day in Morocco, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are visiting the Education For All boarding house in Asni Town in the Atlas Mountains.

  • Meghan was given a traditional henna tattoo during the visit.

  • Meghan wore skinny black jeans, a navy jacket, and a gray scarf for her second day in Morocco.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's three-day trip to Morocco has already been incredibly busy.

Stepping out at the Education For All boarding house in Asni Town on Sunday morning, Meghan and Harry were greeted with a welcome ceremony. Education For All is a Moroccan organization which builds boarding houses for girls between the ages of 12 and 18, to give them access to a secondary education in rural communities.

As part of the welcome, Meghan took part in a traditional henna ceremony, receiving a henna tattoo from one of the boarding house students:

Photo credit: Tim P. Whitby - Getty Images
Photo credit: Tim P. Whitby - Getty Images

Meghan appeared to have the sleeves of her jacket folded back on purpose, so as to show the beautiful henna design that was created for her:

Photo credit: Tim P. Whitby - Getty Images
Photo credit: Tim P. Whitby - Getty Images

Even Prince Harry admired his wife's new henna tattoo, as the pair engaged in some super cute PDA:

Photo credit: Tim P. Whitby - Getty Images
Photo credit: Tim P. Whitby - Getty Images

According to People, the henna tattoo celebrates Meghan's pregnancy, and symbolizes good luck.

One of the housemothers, Khadeja Oukattou, told the publication, "It’s for when we have a big party. Now she is pregnant we do the henna to keep her happy with with the baby. For good luck." Oukattou also told People that the students "wished them a good life and good health for them and the baby.”

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