Meghan Markle Had a British Security Agent from MI5 with Her "Every Day" on Set of 'Suits'

Photo credit: USA Network
Photo credit: USA Network

From Good Housekeeping

In case you're trying to decide whether or not to marry a prince, there are many perks that come with dating a royal. Like, you get to wear fancy hats every day! You own a tiara! A fleet of cute birds and squirrels dress you in the morning! And if you're Meghan Markle, you get to pal around with your own personal British bodyguard.

Yup, apparently Prince Harry hooked Meghan up with a security agent from across the pond while she was filming Suits (read: back before they were married) - at least according to her co-star Wendell Pierce.

"I actually didn’t think it was real, then all of a sudden I turn round and there is a guy from MI5 on set every day," Pierce told Extra. "The one thing that was clear [was that] she was extremely happy. She had a glow. I knew she was in love. With the whirlwind of publicity and the world of being a royal now, the one thing that’s constant is the fact that I know she loves him."

So, basically the cast was like:

Photo credit: Giphy
Photo credit: Giphy

And Meghan was all:

Photo credit: Giphy
Photo credit: Giphy

Also FYI, back in 2017, a source told Us Weekly that Meghan's name stopped appearing on Suits filming schedules for her own safety. "It inarguably boils down to security issues," the source explained. "Information was leaking out of Suits like crazy. As soon as it came out that they were dating, everyone was warned to stop talking or they would be fired."

Yikes, sounds intense.

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