Meghan Markle's Stacked Rings Could Be a Clue About Her Due Date

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

The internet is out here reading into Meghan Markle's jewelry for hidden ~clues~ about when her royal baby might be due, and honestly the evidence (and I use that term loosely) is pretty damn compelling.

The other day, Meghan stepped out in Sydney for an Invictus Games event as part of her endlessly long royal tour, and wore three pretty stacked rings on her finger. See?

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

No big deal, right? Wrong. Here's a closer look:

While these might look like nothing too crazy, royal fan @DuchyofSuccess has a theory that the rings hold special meanings-specifically, that they represent the birthstones of Meghan, Harry, and their future baby.

If this is the case, Meghan's baby is due in April, which lines up with Kensington Palace recently confirming a "Spring 2019" arrival. Mark your calendars! Or something!

BTW, Meghan's rings are by Canadian brand Ecksand. Get one of your own, if you want people to inexplicably read into your jewelry, too.

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