Meghan Markle's Sister Released a Salty List of New Year's Resolutions for Her

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Despite allegedly being on Scotland Yard's "fixated persons" list (more on that right here), Samantha Markle shows no signs of stopping when it comes to criticizing her sister Meghan Markle in the tabloids.

Speaking to the, uh, Daily Star, Samantha offered a series of New Year's resolutions for The Duchess, most of which are incredibly salty.

"Your New Year’s resolution should be to be honest and pay tribute to those who have helped you the most such as your dad. Thank him for your college education, your career, building every stage you set foot on, but really appreciate the people that care about you.

So many people around the world don’t have anyone who cares about them and hopefully you will count your blessings and reflect moving forward in the new year and pay that gratitude forward to your children so that they also thank you.

It all comes full circle… it started with dad, and you can carry on the legacy. And of course I would add to eat more chocolate to sweeten your disposition for the new year."

Honestly chocolate is delicious so at least there's that?

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