Meghan Markle's Mom Just Joined Her for Her Cookbook Launch

Photo credit: BEN STANSALL - Getty Images
Photo credit: BEN STANSALL - Getty Images

From Good Housekeeping

Meghan Markle's mother, Doria Ragland, just attended her first royal engagement. She joined her daughter to attend the launch of her new cookbook, Together: Our Community Cookbook, at Kensington Palace. Prince Harry was also in attendance, but let's be real-Doria is Meghan's perfect date!

The California-based yoga instructor was dressed in a beige sweater, slacks, ankle-strap pumps, and a shawl for the occasion. She appeared to fit right into the royal setting, and introduced herself to guests as "Meghan's mom," according to ITV News' Chris Ship.

She also said she was "head over heels" with pride for her daughter, The Telegraph's Hannah Furness reported.

She also chatted with Prince Harry during the engagement.

This marks Doria's first time appearing in public with Meghan since the royal wedding, where she was the only one of the bride's family members present. She was recently photographed at an airport, sending royal watchers questioning if she was en route to see her daughter. Little did we know she'd be joining her for a public royal event. For an endeavor so focused on women, it was only fitting that Doria joined Meghan today.

To celebrate the release of Together: Our Community Cookbook, the Duchess of Sussex invited the women whose recipes are featured in the collection to prepare some of the dishes at Kensington Palace for guests. The women, survivors of last year's Grenfell fire, are from Hubb Community Kitchen, a space they created to make and share meals in the wake of the tragedy.

They'll be cooking for members of the local community and representatives from Ebury Press, Al Manaar Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre, and The Royal Foundation at the Palace, according to a press release.

Together: Our Community Cookbook is on sale today.

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