Meghan Markle's Mom Just Got to London

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Sure, there's a lot going on with Meghan Markle's father and half-sister at the moment, but let's not forget there's plenty happening with her mom - who will be in attendance on Saturday - as well. In fact, PEOPLE reports, Doria Ragland just touched down in London yesterday.

Not only was Doria greeted at the airport by Meghan and Harry's private staff, but she also came bearing a huuuge clue about what she (and maybe Meghan!?) might wear this weekend. With Doria was a gigantic Burberry garment bag, which paparazzi captured being loaded specially handled off the plane.

The Daily Mail reports Meghan's mom spent yesterday evening with Meghan and Harry settling in. She's now "preparing" to meet the Queen, Charles and Camilla, and Will and Kate, which will likely happen in the next 24 hours.

Doria has spent time with Harry in the past. As far as spending time with these other, uh, family members, though? Yeah, that's all happening for the first time.

Meghan has to be thrilled her mother is finally in town, especially as she juuust issued a statement via Kensington Palace confirming her father would not make it to the wedding.

Dear god/it's really happening/two more days!!!/AH, etc. Again, see y'all on Saturday. I'll be the one in white huddled on my wine-stained couch wearing a plastic tiara at 4:30 in the morning.

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