Meghan Markle's Friend Says Reconciling With Dad Thomas Is 'Completely Off the Table'

Photo credit: Samir Hussein - Getty Images
Photo credit: Samir Hussein - Getty Images


In not terribly surprising news, a friend of Meghan Markle's is now telling the Daily Mail that Thomas Markle's continual paid interviews with the press-where he has bad-mouthed Meghan, exposed intimate details about her and Harry without their consent, and generally tried to emotionally manipulate her-have cost him his relationship with her. "A reconciliation is completely off the table at the moment," the source that Daily Mail describes as a "close friend" to Meghan told the outlet. "There's no chance right now-he's been a complete embarrassment."

Their issues are deeply rooted. "They've had problems for some time, from before she met Prince Harry," the source said. Not that what he's doing now is helping at all: "She's amazed by what's happened but is taking what he says with a grain of salt."

The Queen and co. are pretty unbothered too. "The Royal Family isn't as upset as you'd think," the friend continued. "Nothing any of them [the Markle family] say has any real consequence and they [Meghan and Harry] have more important things to focus on."

So expect Thomas Markle to keep blabbing to outlets like Daily Mail, TMZ, and The Sun, as long as they'll listen. But the chances of Meghan reaching out as long as he does-or even visiting during her private, personal trip to the U.S. in the coming weeks-are basically none.

A source close to royal aides told The Mirror in a report published yesterdaythat there are three options the royals are considering for dealing with Thomas. “Firstly, Meghan could contact her father straight away and appeal to him directly to ask him to stop hurting her, but right now she’s decided to cut him off," the source said. "There is a possibility an ­intermediary could meet with him and appeal to him to stop making such hurtful ­statements. The final option would be for Meghan to cut him off completely in the hope he will stop, but the ­situation is so precarious no one knows when that would be.”

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