Meghan Markle Admitted She Made a Huge Life Decision Because Ellen DeGeneres Told Her to

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Wedding bells are ringing this week as news of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's engagement and upcoming May 2018 marriage have hit newsstands, but this is hardly the first time Markle's had big news in her life. In fact, according to Ellen DeGeneres, she was part of a hefty life decision of Markle's not too long ago.

The talk show host was once consulted by the royal-to-be regarding a very important decision, and DeGeneres came through for her.

"She adopted a dog because I told her to! That's amazing," DeGeneres revealed. Markle herself confirmed the story in an old interview with Best Health magazine. Markle said she was at an animal shelter looking at dogs when she ran into DeGeneres and her wife Portia de Rossi.

“Ellen goes ‘Is that your dog?’ And I said, ‘No,’ and she’s like, ‘You have to take that dog.’ And I said, ‘Well, I’m deciding.’ And she’s like, ‘Rescue the dog!’ ... and so I brought him home!" she said. "Because Ellen told me to.” And that's how Labrador-shepherd mix Bogart entered Markle's life.

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While the two women haven't really been in contact since, DeGeneres is still hopeful that her pristine pet advice will land her an invite to the wedding.

"Meghan, if you're watching, I have something else to tell you: Invite me to that wedding. I want to go," DeGeneres joked.

The ball's in your court, Meghan.