Meghan and Harry Release Private Emails and Texts From the Beginning of Their Relationship

meghan and harry
Meghan and Harry Released Their Private EmailsNetflix
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The first three episodes of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s docuseries are currently available to watch on Netflix, so please run—don’t walk!—for a ton of content, much of which covers their extremely sweet love story.

On top of providing a huge amount of unseen footage and photos from the early days of their relationship, the couple served up some previously unknown details about how they met.

“Meghan and I met over Instagram. I was scrolling through my feed and someone who was a friend had a video of the two of them, like a Snapchat,” Harry explained. “With dog ears. That was the first thing. I was like, who is that?”

Apparently, their mutual friend immediately reached out to Meghan, writing THIS email:

“Between you and I, thought you might want to know this being newly single and all. I put our Snapchat on Instagram and Prince Haz follows me (he’s a friend) he called me last night dying to meet you. Hehehe, I might just have to set you up.”

Meghan checked out Harry’s Instagram at this point (yes, he had a secret Insta) and liked the nature pic vibes, so they got in touch and met in London while Meghan was there for Wimbledon. Psst, here’s a pic of Harry’s Insta:

meghan and harry

And yep, they released some of their texts. Ahem!

Harry: “So come on—what u doing tomorrow night? Hope you’re having fun over there.”
Meghan: “Heading back to Soho. I have a dinner tomorrow at 8 but can do drinks tomorrow night, would that work? Maybe 6?”
Harry: “You’re ON!”

Apparently, Harry was late to the drinks, which Meghan was very much not into, but as he put it, “I was panicking, I was freaking out, I was, like, sweating.” And they ended up having a great time. “He was just so fun,” Meghan said. “Just so refreshingly fun, and that was the thing, we were, like, childlike together.”

Oh, and Meghan was the one who called him later that night to set up another hang, joking, “I’m sure he told me it was so forward and American.” Here’s a pic from their date (!!):

meghan markle and prince harry

The rest? History! Like, history that is very much covered in Harry & Meghan, so again, GO WATCH!

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