Meg Mathews: 10 signs you might miss that could mean you're perimenopausal

'We are all unique and experience menopause differently but there are 10 common symptoms you should be aware of' - Jooney Woodward
'We are all unique and experience menopause differently but there are 10 common symptoms you should be aware of' - Jooney Woodward

Since 2018, Meg Mathews has been one of the UK’s foremost menopause campaigners, determined to use her profile to end the stigma surrounding it. In a new column for Stella magazine, she reveals what she’s learnt. This week: everything you need to know about the symptoms and signs of the perimenopause.

Menopause affects us all differently. My main symptom was anxiety. I felt overwhelmed with life. This went on for about six months before I plucked up the courage to visit my GP. I walked into the room, burst into tears and told the doctor I was struggling to cope. I was prescribed antidepressants and I took them for a year.

I thought my party lifestyle was catching up with me… I blamed my ’80s acid house and ’90s Britpop years for shattering my nervous system and making me feel this way. I felt embarrassed, like it was my fault. My mum had always warned me that my party days would catch up with me and I truly believed that to be the case.

I now know I was feeling this way because my hormones were out of sync and my oestrogen levels had significantly reduced. At the time I didn’t realise anxiety was a common symptom of the menopause.

I literally knew nothing about the menopause. To me it was just about hot flushes and no periods. I had no clue about any of the 34 symptoms until I started reading up about it, doing my research, talking to people and speaking to my gynaecologist and various other doctors.

In the beginning, I struggled with sleep. I’d doze off OK but every morning I’d wake up at 3am and I wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep. It felt strange, waking up at this time, and I let it get to me. I would panic and start worrying about anything and everything. I tried to get sleeping tablets from the doctor but they wouldn’t give me them. Instead I started buying every herbal remedy I could get my hands on in Whole Foods… I tried Valerian Root, herbal Nytol, sleepy tea, you name it! Nothing properly helped but I did find a new nighttime routine made a difference. I put a salt lamp by my bed, I tried not to watch TV too late, avoided blue lights from my iPad and turned my phone off at 6pm.

I also found that eating a few nuts, a spoon of honey or mashed-up root veg before bed stopped my blood levels from dropping and waking me up. This is a simple trick a friend told me about and it really helped.

Another menopause symptom I’ve talked about is foggy brain. I thought this was due to my anxiety and lack of sleep but it turns out it’s a common menopause symptom, again due to a lack of oestrogen. You forget where you put things and struggle to finish a sentence. I actually find that if I avoid heavy carbs, it keeps me more alert and this helps with my brain fog. I have also done intermittent fasting for years and feel it makes me brighter and more alert. I have Bulletproof coffee with MCT oil and take vegan collagen; I eat good-quality olive oil and lots of green veg – which helps.

Exercise is also really important. Throughout my menopause I’ve felt irritable at times and really emotional. I found that exercise helps manage these feelings. I love weight-bearing exercises – if I have a strong body, my mind feels stronger. I also walk my dog Ziggy every day, we walk for miles, and I enjoy swimming in the sea all year round. The cold water makes me feel alive. Exercise keeps my mood regulated. You don’t need a fancy gym or a personal trainer – there are so many free YouTube workouts available or get off the bus or Tube one stop earlier when you have the time. Breathe it all in, enjoy being in nature and try to get out of your own head! It will help boost your mood.

We are all unique and experience menopause differently but there are 10 common symptoms you should be aware of as specified by the NHS. These include:

  1. Hot flushes – that sudden feeling of heat in your face, neck and chest. Apparently more than 80 per cent of women experience hot flashes (HFs) during menopause. You can’t stop a hot flush but the best way to deal with it is to dress in layers and choose natural fibres. Opt for clothes that are easy to take off when you feel hot – wear a T-shirt under your jumper so you can quickly whip off the jumper when you need to. Shirts are good as you can open them and let the air flow. Stay hydrated, carry a bottle of water and always keep a fan in your bag. Don’t feel embarrassed about using it. HRT will help… speak to your doctor and see if it’s an option for you.

  2. Night sweats – hot flushes that occur at night. My advice here is to buy bamboo sheets. They are cheap and environmentally friendly and a natural material. Good bamboo sheets were a game changer for me. Keep the window open and try to have some space. Put the dog in its bed and stretch out. If you wake up in a puddle, shove your partner over and find yourself a dry patch! One myth about hot flushes and night sweats is that they are short-lived and you should just ‘put up’ with them…! Fifteen per cent of women will have vasomotor symptoms (the symptoms that occur due to the constriction or dilation of blood vessels, which include night sweats) for at least five years so it’s best to get help from your GP as soon as you can. HRT is the most effective treatment for these symptoms. Herbal solutions or dietary changes are also an option.

  3. A reduced sex drive - we know that taking testosterone can bring back your libido but if you don’t see any difference after six weeks of using it you need to bring your sex drive back yourself! Use lube, lots of it. Use it in foreplay, introduce sex toys or watch something to get you excited… do whatever it takes to make yourself feel horny. If you can, invest in a vibrator or bullet and schedule using it into your week. I use my vibrator three times a week. It’s so important to self-pleasure. The more you do this, the more your sex drive will come back.

  4. Problems with memory and concentration – poor memory, forgetfulness, and difficulty concentrating can cause problems at work and at home. Around 60 per cent of women in menopause or perimenopause report feeling like they're in a ‘brain fog’. It's common to experience lapses in memory and concentration during the early and middle stages of menopause. I would leave my keys in the fridge, forget birthdays and appointments or I’d leave the house and forget where I was going. I actually thought early on that I had dementia, which was terrifying. Once I realised it was a common menopause symptom I knew to make lists, slow down, take my time and set myself frequent reminders.

  5. Vaginal dryness and pain, itching or discomfort during sex - if you are struggling with discomfort and itching, avoid using shower gel or soap in intimate areas, just as you avoid it on your face, avoid it on your vagina. You need to keep the pH balance between 3.8 and 4.5. Try a natural, soothing balm like the MM Blossom Lave and Blossom Balm with marshmallow root, it’s all natural and vegan and will help.

  6. Headaches - luckily I don’t suffer from pounding headaches but I have a lot of friends who do. Stay hydrated, it may be that you have to take a painkiller if it gets really bad. HRT can help to regulate headaches.

  7. Mood changes, such as low mood and anxiety - this was a big factor for me. Try to look at all options available to you before allowing your doctor to prescribe antidepressants. Sometimes the doctor won’t recognise anxiety as a menopause symptom. Write down your feelings and talk to someone. I found eventually opening up about the way I was feeling really helped.

  8. Palpitations – your heart may feel like it's pounding, fluttering or beating irregularly, often for just a few seconds or minutes. You may also feel these sensations in your throat or neck. Palpitations can feel alarming but are a normal menopause symptom. Try slowing down if you are exercising too vigorously. Avoid spicy foods and alcohol and, if you can, get some quality sleep. If you are worried about this it’s best to get yourself checked out. Make an appointment with your doctor.

  9. Joint stiffness, aches and pains are a common menopause symptom - my advice is to keep moving! I really look after my joints. I take vegan collagen and flaxseed and omega oils. It’s worth taking these anyway as you get older. We lose collagen due to the lack of oestrogen. It's so important for our joints – we always think of collagen and beauty but you need this for your joints too. I use Omega 3 Support - NHP, Ingenious Vegan collagen and flaxseed oil. Remember your body is different now to how it was when you were 20. Hyaluronic acid will also benefit your joints. You can take this as a daily supplement.

  10. Recurrent urinary tract infections - UTIs occur when bacteria like E.coli that normally live harmlessly in the bowel, enter the urinary tract and start to multiply. As we age, the vulva lips are not as plump as they used to be so we don’t get as much protection. The risk of UTIs increases because falling oestrogen levels affect the levels of protective bacteria in the urethra. Even if you drink lots of water you can still get UTIs. Always wipe front to back, use the toilet after sex to flush everything out, avoid wearing a thong and consider taking a supplement called D-Mannose. Some people find drinking cranberry juice helps, too.

The more knowledge we have about the menopause, the better we feel. We don’t have to suffer in silence – there is help available. Try to keep a list of your symptoms and book an appointment with your GP or gynaecologist as soon as possible to discuss what options are best for you.

Read more: What you need to know about the menopause and contraception

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