Meet Mt. Hood Meadows' Newest Member Of Their Avy Dog Team

Mt. Hood Meadows in Oregon just announced the newest member of their Avy Dog Team, June, an 8-week-old yellow lab.

June is reportedly "just starting her training as she works to become a fully-certified Mt. Hood Meadows Avalanche Dog some day." See below.

She's already enjoying riding the lifts, cruising the slopes, and making new friends on the hill.

Skiers who wanted to meet her following the social media post, and other members of the Avy Dog Team, were in luck, because all of the dogs made an appearance at Everybody's Mazot Fest last Friday and Saturday.

Mazot Fest is a two-day festival sponsored by Everybody's Brewing.

On Friday, the resort served up beers from Everybody's and sold some Avy Dog Mazot Fest shirts, and Saturday saw the small slalom race and raffle.

All proceeds went to benefit "everyone's favorite mountain employees," The Avy Dogs.

Everyone spent the day celebrating, racing and toasting their "little gem."

In fact, Mt. Hood Meadows provided an update that Mazot Fest was a success, and June was the belle of the ball. See below.

We wish we could have been there. No one should ever miss a chance to put a dog, and a hard working one, at that.

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