Meet Braden Summers, the LA-based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ+ spectrum

Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum
Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum

Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum
Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum

Courtesy Braden Summers

Braden Summers' work alerts the viewer to the beauty in people and their environment. His portraits embody what matters most to him: inclusivity, diversity, and acceptance.

Raised in a small, homogenous town in Connecticut, Summers moved to the expansive metropolis of the weird and wonderful San Francisco. It's there that he graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography from the Academy of Art University. He found comfort and acceptance in the diversity he discovered in the city. Since then, he has committed his life’s work to highlighting the beauty that exists in different genders, ethnicities, sexualities, cultures, and geographic locations.

I first encountered Summers' work in a location lighting class we were both taking in our first year as photography students at AAU. Sharing classes with him was a delight as we bonded over being east coasters with mutual ties in early '00s SF. Over the years I have seen his work blossom as he tackles increasingly complex projects for a number of high-profile clients. You can imagine my queer joy and pride when I realized he was the cover/feature photographer for the print first issue I received of Out Traveler. I'm always enthralled to see his new work with an uncanny ability to elevate the queer experience to true works of art.

Scroll through to learn more about Braden and to see highlights of his work! You can also find him at and on Instagram, @bradensummers.

Do you know of an LGBTQ+ photographer or artist who deserves more spotlight? Let us know by emailing

Tell us about your journey to becoming a photographer.

Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum
Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum

Courtesy Braden Summers

I studied photography at the Academy of Art University after falling in love with the medium in high school. I graduated with a BFA in 2008 and have been working professionally as a photographer since then!

How does your queer identity shape the way you see/portray your subjects?

Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum
Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum

Courtesy Braden Summers

As a gay man, I have learned how to navigate the world knowing my identity won't be accepted by everyone. Having had to learn that hard truth at a young age, I have always had a desire to make sure I create an environment for the people I meet and photograph to feel that they are accepted regardless of who they are. I appreciate the differences we share as individuals and what connects us all in our humanity.

What story do you hope to tell the world with your art?

Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum
Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum

Courtesy Braden Summers

We come into the world with a basic understanding of what is and is not "beautiful." However, I believe that finding beauty in the world is a skill you have to hone in over time and that it will evolve as you age. With every story I tell through imagery, my intent is always to impress upon my viewers that beauty is diverse. I want to leave them feeling that the boundaries of what they once considered beautiful can be expanded.

Are there specific themes you try to consistently incorporate in your work?

Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum
Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum

Courtesy Braden Summers

Color! I am always looking to create harmonious, complimentary color palettes in every image. The intent for each image is to retain a 'painterly' quality. I look at environments, backgrounds, prop and wardrobe styling holistically as opportunities to introduce color for a desired outcome.

How do you plan a concept and where do you find inspiration?

Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum
Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum

Courtesy Braden Summers

My inspiration comes from my background as a painter and lover of art history, my husband and I seek out art galleries and frequent museums to expand upon our own creativity. When it comes time to plan a specific concept, I create detailed mood boards that help me understand how I want each element of an image to interact — from the fashion, my subjects and their environment.

We often focus on LGBTQ+ people being the subject of art, but not the artists. Can you talk about the importance of having LGBTQ+ artists behind the camera?

Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum
Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum

Courtesy Braden Summers

Back in 2013, I created a series of images illustrating what was meant to be 'iconic' depictions of gay love called ALL LOVE IS EQUAL. When the work was released, there was enormous international interest in my work because the subject matter had never really been explored before. The project was initially inspired to fill a void in commercial imagery; the void being beauty in same-sex romance. It would have been difficult to truly understand why it was so important to build that body of work that resonated with millions of people had it not been for the fact that I was a gay man in love and rarely, if ever, saw myself represented in commercial media.

How does being based just outside of Los Angeles impact your work?

Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum
Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum

Courtesy Braden Summers

I live in the woods in Topanga, about 20 minutes from Santa Monica, with my husband and twin children. The space, quiet and natural beauty, in Topanga offers me enormous freedom to be creative. The proximity to the greater Los Angeles area gives me access to some of the best talent and crew a boy could ask for.

What are you working on next?

Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum
Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum

Courtesy Braden Summers

Currently, I am wrapping up a short film I shot while in Hawaii, it tells a story about a man and how he engages with the 4 elements of matter. Learning film has been an incredible journey having a still photography background, it is such a joy to be able to tell richer, poetic stories in one or two minute shorts.

Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum
Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum

Courtesy Braden Summers

To see more of Summers' most recent work, check out his official website, And follow him on Instagram, @bradensummers.

Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum
Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum

Courtesy Braden Summers

To see more of Summers' most recent work, check out his official website, And follow him on Instagram, @bradensummers.

Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum
Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum

Courtesy Braden Summers

To see more of Summers' most recent work, check out his official website, And follow him on Instagram, @bradensummers.

Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum
Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum

Courtesy Braden Summers

To see more of Summers' most recent work, check out his official website, And follow him on Instagram, @bradensummers.

Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum
Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum

Courtesy Braden Summers

To see more of Summers' most recent work, check out his official website, And follow him on Instagram, @bradensummers.

Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum
Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum

Courtesy Braden Summers

To see more of Summers' most recent work, check out his official website, And follow him on Instagram, @bradensummers.

Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum
Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum

Courtesy Braden Summers

To see more of Summers' most recent work, check out his official website, And follow him on Instagram, @bradensummers.

Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum
Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum

Courtesy Braden Summers

To see more of Summers' most recent work, check out his official website, And follow him on Instagram, @bradensummers.

Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum
Photo Gallery Braden Summers LA based gay photographer adding fresh color to the LGBTQ spectrum

Brian Bergeron

To see more of Summers' most recent work, check out his official website, And follow him on Instagram, @bradensummers.