Meal Preppers, This $8 Amazon Cooling Rack Will Maximize Your Fridge Space

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Delish

Picture this: You finally finish up a massive meal-prepping session, closing the lid on the last Tupperware container. You open the fridge and...UGH. There's no room for anything! We've all been there. But rather than precariously stacking all those storage containers over your groceries again—will this topple over the next time I open the fridge? TBD—this kitchen hack will create more shelves in your fridge for the very cool cost of $8.

Even better—you might already have them in your pantry! The solution to an overstuffed fridge is this Wilton Perfect Results Cooling Rack. It comes with three stackable racks with about 3 inches of space beneath each, The Kitchn says. While you can of course use the nonstick racks to cool down baked goods, they also work inside a fridge, adding levels in between actual shelves.

This way, you can place glass containers on a steady surface and slide thinner groceries or flat to-go containers below. It also helps separate raw meat from other groceries. Another design perk: They collapse, making them easy to store when your fridge is not as fully stocked. If you're wondering whether the racks will fit inside your fridge, the exact measurements are 15 and 7/8" by 9 and 7/8".

All in all, this $8 Amazon buy, which has 50+ five-star reviews and is a Prime item, is a no-brainer. If you need more fridge space, or bake a lot of cookies, you'll be a fan.

For more useful kitchen gadgets and tools, check out this list of the best-selling kitchen products on Amazon!

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