McDonald's New Pumpkin Spice Bolder Blend Iced Coffee Is Here, But There's A Catch

McDonald's McCafe iced coffee
McDonald's McCafe iced coffee - Bloomberg/Getty Images

Even with pumpkin spice season is starting earlier than ever, McDonald's is brewing a new offering that has some people asking for a second cup. The Pumpkin Spice Bolder Blend Iced Coffee has hit select markets, but not everyone can enjoy this beverage with that morning Egg McMuffin.

As reported by The Fast Food Post, the Pumpkin Spice Bolder Blend Iced Coffee is available only in Illinois and Missouri. The beverage features the restaurant's Bolder Blend coffee, pumpkin spice syrup, and light cream. While restaurant prices can vary, $2.99 for a medium is the starting point. The limited-time offering find comes after McDonald's announced that its pumpkin spice latte would be a regional menu item only for 2023. Available at participating restaurants in Chicago, Phoenix, Seattle, and St. Louis, the McCafe beverage combines espresso, whole milk, and pumpkin pie flavors. The latte can be ordered either hot or iced.

In 2016, McDonald's offered the PSL nationwide. Customers were able to customize the espresso beverage with whole or non-fat milk. But it seems that for 2023, the pumpkin patch didn't yield enough offerings to bring the gourd to all of the Golden Arches' locations. (Maybe the restaurant is counting the days until peppermint mocha season.)

Read more: What's The Difference Between Coffee And Espresso?

Do Quick-Service Restaurants Need To Offer Seasonal Coffee Options?

pumpkin spice latte with whipped cream and sprinkles
pumpkin spice latte with whipped cream and sprinkles - Alejandrophotography/Getty Images

From Team PSL to the love of a wintery cool sip of a peppermint mocha, many coffee drinkers thirst for seasonal coffee options. While coffee is an all-day beverage on many restaurant chains' menus, seasonal options are nudging their way to the top of the board.

With the demand for those pumpkin spice flavors, that infamous latte can be found at more locations than just the coffee shop. Wendy's has launched its take on the seasonal flavor, and some regional McDonald's locations offer PSLs. These choices are in addition to places like 7-Eleven, Wawa, and more that have ensured the great gourd has a space in the lineup. Given that pumpkin spice takes over the food conversation during the fall, restaurants don't want to lose a potential sale because the seasonal flavor is missing. If there's already a latte on the menu, a few pumps of pumpkin flavor aren't too much effort. Even giving guests a pumpkin spice creamer option can be a simple solution.

As seen throughout the quick-service restaurant space, vocal consumers can make meaningful change. If people want more seasonal coffee options with that taco, burger, or fried chicken, they should make those desires known. And maybe next year, the gourd will expand to more McDonald's menu boards.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.