McDonald’s made a Black Friday goof on Twitter, and everyone went wild — including Wendy’s

McDonald’s made a Black Friday goof on Twitter, and everyone went wild — including Wendy’s
McDonald’s made a Black Friday goof on Twitter, and everyone went wild — including Wendy’s

We all make mistakes. But when it comes to making a mistake on social media when you have more than 167,000 fans on one account alone, that’s a liiittle different. McDonald’s made a Black Friday goof on Twitter, and of course, everyone had jokes. Including fellow fast food chain Wendy’s.

Here’s what happened. On Friday, November 24, in the very early hours of Black Friday, McDonald’s posted a tweet saying, “Black Friday **** Need copy and link****” and of course, people noticed. We have to say, though, we’re impressed that McDonald’s left the original tweet up. Then again, in this it’s-way-too-easy-to-take-a-screenshot era we live in, even if the company had removed it, someone else probably would have posted it for all to see. So big ups to McDonald’s for owning their mistake, and even poking fun at themselves for the goof.

Obviously, someone on the McDonald’s social media team forgot to add the accompanying tweet copy and the link before the post went live. It’s no secret that a lot of companies schedule their tweets in advance these days, so that’s probably what happened. We can imagine that some higher-ups at the company probably didn’t love the snafu. But hey — people are talking. And there’s no such thing as bad press, right?

Here’s the incomplete tweet.

And here’s how McDonald’s handled the mistake.

Like us, a lot of people loved their comeback.

Nobody really seemed to mind the mistake.

However, some wondered it’s time for McDonald’s to find a new ad agency.

Some people even tried to figure out of the tweet was truly an accident or actually a marketing ploy.

Even Wendy’s got in on the Twitter action with this burn.

Wendy’s ran with it for quite a while.

All in all, true McDonald’s fans will remain true McDonald’s fans, mistaken tweets or not.

But we bet that somewhere, social media managers are cringing.

Well played, McDonald’s. (And Wendy’s.)

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