Maui Can Really Use Our Help Right Now

Terrible news out of Maui.

An awful combination of drought conditions and hurricane winds are fueling devastating wildfires across the island, and the results are horrifying. Lahaina nearly gone. At least 6 people dead. Many more are missing.

So many families have been displaced from their homes, unsure when — of if — they'll be able to go home. The images from the island resemble a warzone.

"We are devastated and heartbroken for our friends and ‘ohana on Maui who been impacted by the recent wildfires.

"On Tuesday, August 8, 2023, a terrible combination of drought conditions and hurricane weather led to widespread wildfires across the Island of Maui. Families were forced to evacuate on short notice, many escaping with only the clothes on their backs. Information on injuries and fatalities is still coming in. Lahaina town is gone. Many other places on Maui were also affected. We continue to send pule (prayers) to this incredible community.

"‘Aina Momona is standing up this fundraiser to support our Maui community. All the funds raised will be given to the Hawaii Community.

"We are using this ActBlue platform because giving is quick and easy, and the funds come to us immediately, allowing us to get these funds to families in need faster. An accounting of all the monies raised through this fundraiser and our distribution to HCF will be posted to our website."

Maui can really use our help right now. To consider donating, please click here.


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