Matt MacDuff's Backyard Is What Dreams Are Made Of

One of the coolest parts about mountain biking is the insane backyards that pro riders have. It seems like once freeriders make it big, they buy a plot of land and make enormous jumps.

Matt MacDuff is no exception. Watch Sam Reynolds visit MacDuff’s backyard in Kamloops, BC, below.

Matt MacDuff is a Canadian freerider and builder. He has a successful trailbuilding business that he runs thanks to his experience building large jumps. Macduff also hosts a popular podcast.

Sam Reynolds is also a big builder. Every year, he builds and puts on the Darkfest event, home to some of the biggest jumps in existence.

Reynolds flew over to Canada to come to see MacDuff’s compound and was not disappointed. Matt’s jump line features a 50-foot step down into a 75-foot jump. That is enormous.

One thing that is absent from Matt’s compound is a large loop. In 2016, MacDuff set out to make the biggest loop in the world for bikes. Unfortunately, he fell off it and crashed catastrophically, injuring himself.

These days, MacDuff thinks about the ramp in the sense of his own overconfidence, a reminder not to fly too close to the sun. Heck, 75-foot gap jumps are cooler anyway.

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