Matt Damon Just Made a Surprise 'SNL' Appearance as Brett Kavanaugh

Photo credit: NBC - Getty Images
Photo credit: NBC - Getty Images

From Harper's BAZAAR

Saturday Night Live returned for Season 44 last night with an extra special guest.

Appearing in the Cold Open as Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Matt Damon impersonated the Judge's hearing in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Kavanaugh has been accused of sexual assault by three women, and the FBI has since opened an investigation into the allegations.

Tackling this week's current events head on, Saturday Night Live parodied Kavanaugh's volatile reactions at the hearing:

From referencing Kavanaugh's regular mentions of beer ("I'm a keg half-full kind of guy"), to his propensity for shouting ("I'm going to start at an 11... I'ma take it to about a 15 real quick!"), Damon didn't hold back in his representation of the accused Supreme Court nominee. He even warned, "If you think I’m angry now, just wait until I get on that Supreme Court because then you’re all going to pay."

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's impassioned testimony at the public hearing in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee this week inspired women all over the world to come forward with their own experiences of sexual assault.

Dr. Ford also described the difficult decision she had made in coming forward: "As the hearing date got closer, I struggled with a terrible choice: Do I share the facts with the Senate and put myself and my family in the public spotlight? Or do I preserve our privacy and allow the Senate to make its decision on Mr. Kavanaugh’s nomination without knowing the full truth about his past behavior?"

Kavanaugh has denied Dr. Ford's accusations, as well as those made by two other women-Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick.

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