Master the Pop Shove-It: Your Ultimate Guide in 5 Simple Steps

Welcome to a comprehensive guide that will transform your Pop Shove-It skills. Whether you're a newbie or aiming to enhance your technique, this video and article are your gateway to mastering this iconic skateboard trick.

Pro skater Dominick Walker is your mentor on this journey, offering a step-by-step breakdown and invaluable insights. From proper foot placement to catching that perfect landing, Dominick's expertise ensures you'll nail the Pop Shove-It effortlessly. As he suggests, "For inspiration, check out Jake Hayes—he's one of the best." By mastering this fundamental trick, you'll gain the foundation to conquer even more advanced maneuvers like the hardflip and the 360 flip.

The Pop Shove-It in 5 Easy Steps

  1. Foot Placement

  2. Preload and Pop

  3. Slide Your Front Foot

  4. Scoop Your Back Foot

  5. Catch and Land

Step-By-Step Guide to Pop Shove-It

The pop shove-it is a foundational skateboard trick and one of the first tricks you'll learn. It's a trick that involves spinning the skateboard 180 degrees while in mid-air.

Step 1: Foot Placement

Start by placing your front foot on the skateboard's middle and your back foot on the tail, similar to your foot placement for an Ollie, just a little bit wider. Your front foot should be angled slightly forward - just below the front bolts, while your back foot should be slightly angled towards the tail - ball of your foot in the pocket of the tail with your toes hanging slightly off the edge, ready to grip the corner.

Your front foot angled slightly forward - just below the front bolts, and you back foot on the tail.
Your front foot angled slightly forward - just below the front bolts, and you back foot on the tail.

Step 2: Preload and Pop

Crouch down, bending both knees, and prepare to jump. Keep your weight centered over the board, and avoid leaning too far forward or too far back. Use your back foot to pop the tail of the skateboard down to the ground. This motion should be quick and forceful, like an Ollie.

Use your back foot to pop the tail down to the ground, like an Ollie.
Use your back foot to pop the tail down to the ground, like an Ollie.

Step 3: Slide Your Front Foot

As the board starts to rise, slide your front foot off the board in the direction you want the board to spin. This motion should be a quick and smooth flick of the foot. Your front foot is really just supporting what your back foot is doing. The back foot is mainly doing all the work.

Slide your front foot off the board and let your back foot do all the work.
Slide your front foot off the board and let your back foot do all the work.

Step 4: Scoop Your Back Foot

As you pop and slide your front foot, use your back foot to scoop the corner of your board. Your back foot controls the board's spin. This involves flicking the tail of the board in the opposite direction of the front foot's slide. This motion is simultaneous. Pop, scoop and flick.

Use your back foot to scoop the corner of your board. Your back foot controls the board's spin.
Use your back foot to scoop the corner of your board. Your back foot controls the board's spin.

Step 5: Catch and Landing

As the board completes its rotation, keep your eyes on the board and prepare to land. Catch the board with your front foot first, then back foot. Use both feet to land back on the board, with your feet over the bolts and your knees and legs absorbing the landing.

Catch the board with your front foot first, then back foot.
Catch the board with your front foot first, then back foot.
Land with your feet over the bolts, bending your knees and legs to absorb the impact.
Land with your feet over the bolts, bending your knees and legs to absorb the impact.

Tips and Tricks for Perfecting the Pop Shove-It

  • Tip 1: Practice your foot placement until it becomes second nature. Proper foot placement is essential to executing the trick correctly.

  • Tip 2: Keep your weight centered over the board, and avoid leaning too far forward or too far back.

  • Tip 3: Make sure that you pop the tail of the board down with enough force to get it off the ground.

  • Tip 4: As you slide your front foot off the board, make sure to flick it outward in the direction you want the board to spin.

  • Tip 5: Keep your eyes on the board at all times, so you can anticipate its landing.

  • Tip 6: Start slow and work your way up to faster speeds. Trying to go too fast too soon can result in injury.

Learn More. Watch These How To Skateboard Videos:

  1. Ollie

  2. Nollie

  3. Frontside 180 Ollie

  4. Backside 180 Ollie

  5. Kickflip

Related: Learn How to 360 Flip in 5 Minutes

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Pop Shove-It in skateboarding?

A Pop Shove-It is a classic skateboarding trick where the skateboard rotates 180 degrees while you're in mid-air. It involves a combination of popping the tail of the skateboard and sliding your front foot to initiate the spin. Mastering this trick requires proper technique and practice.

How do I do a Pop Shove-It on a skateboard?

To perform a Pop Shove-It:

  1. Begin with proper foot placement: front foot in the middle, back foot on the tail.

  2. Crouch down and use your back foot to pop the tail down forcefully.

  3. Slide your front foot off the skateboard while simultaneously using your back foot to scoop and spin the board.

  4. Keep your eyes on the board and catch it with your front foot followed by your back foot.

  5. Land smoothly with your feet over the bolts and your knees bent to absorb the impact.

What are some tips for mastering the Pop Shove-It?

  • Practice foot placement until it becomes second nature.

  • Maintain balanced weight distribution to avoid leaning too far forward or backward.

  • Pop the tail with enough force to lift the board off the ground.

  • Slide your front foot outward in the desired spin direction.

  • Keep your focus on the board during the entire trick.

  • Start with slow attempts and gradually increase speed as you gain confidence.

Can beginners learn the Pop Shove-It?

While the Pop Shove-It requires practice, beginners can certainly learn it. It's a foundational trick that lays the groundwork for more advanced maneuvers. Start with proper foot placement and take it step by step, focusing on each component of the trick. With dedication and consistent practice, beginners can successfully master the Pop Shove-It.

Is the Pop Shove-It easier than other skateboard tricks like the Ollie?

The ease of learning the Pop Shove-It compared to other tricks like the Ollie varies from person to person. Some skateboarders may find the Pop Shove-It simpler due to its distinct mechanics, while others might find the Ollie more approachable. Both tricks require practice and determination, so it's important to focus on the one that aligns with your skills and goals.

How long does it take to learn the Pop Shove-It?

The time it takes to learn the Pop Shove-It varies depending on factors like your previous skateboarding experience, dedication to practice, and natural ability. Some skateboarders might grasp the basics within a few days, while others might take weeks or even longer. Consistent practice, proper technique, and patience are key to mastering the Pop Shove-It efficiently.

Are there common mistakes to avoid when learning the Pop Shove-It?

Yes, a couple of common mistakes include:

  • Flicking your front foot out like a kickflip: Keep both feet flat when executing the Pop Shove-It.

  • Landing with only one foot: Work on landing with both feet to improve your execution.

  • Applying excessive force: Aim for controlled and precise movements, rather than overly forceful actions.

Can I use the Pop Shove-It as a building block for more advanced tricks?

Mastering the Pop Shove-It opens the door to mastering other advanced tricks. The skills you develop, such as board control, footwork, and timing, are transferable to various maneuvers. As you become more confident with the Pop Shove-It, you'll have a solid foundation to tackle more complex skateboarding tricks.

Where can I find video tutorials for learning the Pop Shove-It?

Numerous online platforms, such as YouTube and skateboarding websites, offer video tutorials to help you learn the Pop Shove-It, like pro skater Dominick Walker's tutorial on Youtube - How To Pop Shove It. These tutorials break down each step, providing visual guidance to enhance your understanding. Look for tutorials from experienced skateboarders and instructors to ensure you're getting accurate and helpful guidance.

What's the difference between a Shove-It and a Pop Shove-It?

While both tricks involve spinning the skateboard under your feet, the main difference lies in the execution. In a Shove-It, the skateboard spins 180 degrees around its axis while staying on the ground, achieved by scooping the tail with your back foot. In a Pop Shove-It, the board also spins 180 degrees, but this time, it pops into the air. The Pop Shove-It requires a combination of popping the tail and sliding your front foot to initiate the spin, resulting in a more dynamic and aerial maneuver.

Who Is Dominick Walker?

In 2022 Dominick Walker turned pro for Disorder Skateboards, rocking the world with his video part ender at the Hollywood High 16 stair rail. His incredible skating style and friendly attitude has been a force on the skate scene for the past decade. From Tampa Am to posting next-level street clips on socials and video parts, Domo’s skating is always progressing and inspiring. Living at Nyjah’s skatepark in San Clemente, he is always pushing and working on his skating, while also teaching local kids how to skate. His friendly approach to learning tricks is awesome, with his in-depth knowledge and skills on so many tricks - from basics to advanced. And with his Trick Tip Videos on, it’s awesome to have someone in their prime teaching you new tricks, like Domo.

Top 5 Pop Shove-Its to Inspire:

1. Steve Nesser at Wallenberg (34:23)

2. Jake Hayes

3. Mike Carroll in Goldfish (0:31)

4. Brandon Bonner in Steady Creepin’ (17:28)

5. Donny Barley in Underachievers (0:40)

Related: How To Kickflip: 5 Steps. Learn in 5 Minutes.

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