How to Master 5 Skincare Basics, According to YouTube

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If you’re looking for beauty inspo and info, it’s no secret that YouTube is a goldmine. When it comes to skincare specifically, these YouTubers bring a ton of knowledge and insight to their videos, leaving you feeling like an enlightened BFF when you’re done watching. That said, it can be hard to sift through the endless pieces of content — and the countless creators — that fill your feed. So we’ve narrowed it down to our must-watch favorites. Read on for five skincare basics that you can learn on YouTube.

Korean Beauty Skincare Routine

The K-beauty skincare craze has become popular in the US recently, and for good reason — it yields seriously impressive results if you stick to it. But with the plethora of products involved, adopting this routine can feel overwhelming. YouTuber Kim Dao’s tried-and-true routine has garnered over two million views, so you know she’s a worthwhile teacher.

Clear Up Acne

YouTuber Cassandra Bankson made her mark when her refreshingly honest acne-focused vlogs went viral. Since then, she’s become a trusted source of information for cystic, hormonal, chronic, and digestive acne. Her popular video about how she finally cleared up her complexion has over 338,000 views — and a ton of viewers who sing her praises.

Cover Up Dark Circles

Using red lipstick to help conceal dreaded dark under-eye circles may seem counterintuitive, but YouTuber Deepica Mutyala’s viral hack — complete with over 10 million views — works. We won’t spoil the fun here, but yes, you do look crazy at the beginning. Just wait. Promise it’s worth it!

Get a Glow

DIY skincare works, people. Case in point: YouTuber Essie Michelle got a serious glow after whipping up a homemade apple cider vinegar toner. Her popular video details how she made over her complexion in just seven days with the magical mixture.

Minimize Large Pores

Jackie Aina’s tips for how to actually make large pores appear smaller has over 1.7 million views, and it’s easy to understand why. Her in-depth video details the tips, tricks, tools, and products she relies on to get her skin looking even, smooth, and poreless.

MANAGE Blackheads and Pimples With an Extractor

Chanel Ambrose will school you on how to expertly remove blackheads that clog your pores and manage breakouts with a tool. It’s easy to use an extractor the wrong way — and you’ll be left with damaged, potentially scarred skin — so taking tips from Ambrose is key. She shows you how to use this tool safely and as effectively as possible.

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(Featured photo via Isaac Sterling/Getty)