Massive Predator Found Snoozing Under Child’s Toy Car in Australia

If there's one animal that many people fear, it's the snake. But if you live in certain places, snakes may just be an animal that you have to learn to deal with. Australia is known for having huge snakes that people find in and around their homes, and ABC News shared a video on Wednesday, April 3rd of a snake wrangler who was dispatched to a family home to remove a python that was hiding under a toy scooter.

The snake can be seen poking out from underneath the toy car. When the man removes the car from on top of the snake, he's pleasantly surprised to see the python sleeping in a ball beneath it, and remarks on what a beautiful snake it is. Make sure your sound is on to hear the snake wrangler's commentary.

Australia has been on my bucket list for years, but the more I write about snakes being an unwelcome visitor in many homes, I'm beginning to change my mind about visiting! ABC News commenters all had very similar reactions. @Mark Jackson3455 said, "Reason #1,950,278 why I’m never going to Australia." @Karrie Jean pointed out, "He is beautiful. I still don't want to find him hiding!" @Liz added, "He was so grumpy and sleepy being woken up too LOL!" And my favorite comment came from the commenter who laughed and said, "Australia is not for beginners!"

Related: Highly-Venomous Snake Caught Lurking in Closet of Australia Family’s Home

Facts About Carpet Pythons

Whether you are a fan of pythons and other snakes or not, they are fascinating creatures. A commenter asked a well-known snake wrangler in the comments section if this kind of python was found in Southern California. I'm glad he responded because I wasn't sure what kind of python it was, "I wish. Beautiful Carpet Python. Jealous."

I did some research to learn more about these snakes. An article here on Pet Helpful shared some facts about them, including that they can reach a length of up to thirteen feet and weigh up to 33 pounds. "Carpet pythons are found mostly in Australia, Indonesia, and New Guinea. Like Ball Pythons, this snake is bred into many different colored morphs. Carpet pythons are usually nocturnal but often warm themselves in the sun."

These snakes seek shelter in hollow tree limbs, rock crevices, and abandoned burrows of other animals. They are solitary animals, and only come together to breed. Females lay 30-50 eggs at a time, and once the snakes hatch, they do not care for them at all.

Carpet Pythons are docile as adults, but extremely aggressive as hatchlings. Though non-venomous, they have a powerful bite that may cause pain and discomfort.

While a python isn't on the top 100 choices of pets for me, many people enjoy keeping them in their homes. These guys make great pets and are relatively easy to care for. In the wild they eat small mammals, bats, lizards, and rodents, and as pets you can feed them rodents like live mice and rats or even links. Worth considering if you are looking for a new slithering sidekick.

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